Hybrid vs Remote Work Test
Scientific assessments, with this one based on the OCEAN Model.
Gyfted’s free remote work personality quiz provides you with insights into what kind of work environment suits you best and where you can be most productive. You will better understand your traits and the work atmosphere in which you can thrive.
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Hybrid vs Remote Work Test
Assessment Insights
Scientific and Empirical Foundations
The effects of remote work on productivity: Bloom, N., Liang, J., Roberts, J., & Ying, Z. J. (2015). Does working from home work? Evidence from a Chinese experiment. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 130(1), 165-218. The effects of remote work on employee satisfaction and well-being: Golden, T. D., Veiga, J. F., & Dino, R. N. (2008). The impact of professional isolation on teleworker job performance and turnover intentions: Does time spent teleworking, interacting face-to-face, or having access to communication-enhancing technology matter? Journal of Applied Psychology, 93(6), 1412-1421. Challenges and benefits of remote work: Kurland, N. B., & Bailey, D. E. (1999). Telework: The advantages and challenges of working here, there, anywhere, and anytime. Organizational Dynamics, 28(2), 53-68. Remote work readiness and adaptability: Gajendran, R. S., & Harrison, D. A. (2007). The good, the bad, and the unknown about telecommuting: Meta-analysis of psychological mediators and individual consequences. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(6), 1524-1541. Remote work and teamwork: Hertel, G., Geister, S., & Konradt, U. (2005). Managing virtual teams: A review of current empirical research. Human Resource Management Review, 15(1), 69-95. Remote work characteristics influencing success: Chen, Y., & McDonald, S. (2015). Understanding the antecedents of work engagement among home-based teleworkers. New Technology, Work and Employment, 30(3), 237-252. How technology impacts team dynamics and if understanding team members' personality types can improve virtual team performance: Driskell, J. E., Radtke, P. H., & Salas, E. (2003). Virtual teams: effects of technological mediation on team performance. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 7(4), 297.