Empathy test
Determine your empathy level
Benefits of this empathy test include gaining insight into one's own ability to connect with and understand others, identifying areas for growth and improvement, and developing empathy as a skill. Gyfted’s empathy test can also help you in various settings such as education, healthcare, and leadership by assessing the empathy level of individuals or groups and tailoring interventions accordingly.
Determine your empathy level
How you can use this test?
How it works?
you’re at ease, undisturbed
and ready to focus.
you through the process. It’s
easy - just go with your gut
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feedback immediately
anyone, with just a click of a
What's Inside? Get immediate feedback by measuring these traits in you
Empathy test
Assessment Insights
Scientific and Empirical Foundations
Origin of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index, a measure of empathy: Davis, M. H. (1983). Measuring individual differences in empathy: Evidence for a multidimensional approach. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 44(1), 113-126. Empathy and team performance: Wojcik, H. A., Hovasapian, A., Graham, J., Motak, L. M., & Carré, J. M. (2020). The role of empathy in the facilitation of task and social outcomes of group interactions. Emotion, 20(7), 1164-1174. Empathy in hiring and promotion decisions: Wondra, J. D., & Ellsworth, P. C. (2015). An appraisal theory of empathy and other vicarious emotional experiences. Psychological Review, 122(3), 411-428. Empathy and emotional intelligence: Konrath, S. H., O'Brien, E. H., & Hsing, C. (2011). Changes in dispositional empathy in American college students over time: A meta-analysis. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 15(2), 180-198. Empathy and team-building exercises: Riggio, R. E., & Reichard, R. J. (2008). The emotional and social intelligences of effective leadership: An emotional and social skill approach. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 23(2), 169-185. Empathy and personal growth: Decety, J., & Jackson, P. L. (2004). The functional architecture of human empathy. Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Reviews, 3(2), 71-100.